The bus from ESSEN to ZAGREB does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 1346 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 21 hours and 35 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From ESSEN to ZAGREB can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from ESSEN to ZAGREB are:Croatia Bus Zagreb za promet i turizam d.o.o.


With about 583,000 inhabitants, the city of Essen is one of the most populous cities in Germany. It became the European Capital of Culture in 2010 and is located north of the Ruhr. After founding of a cast steel factory by Friedrich Krupp in 1811, Essen quickly became one of the central industrial districts of the so-called Ruhrpotts. Today, there is a strong service industry and a growing popularity as a shopping metropolis.

Essen, besides being an industrial town, has a lot more to offer for those culturally and historically oriented:

The Grillo Theater was given to the city of Essen by the industrialist Friedrich Grillo in 1892. The Schauspielhaus offers classic dramas as well as modern classics and is located in the theater.

The Baldeney Lake was built as a water reservoir in 1931 and developed into a popular recreation area over time. A 15-kilometer-long trail leads around the lake and excursion boats of the "Weiße Flotte"are there to take on a cruise on the lake.

The Villa Hügel was built by the industrialist Alfred Krupp in the years 1868 to 1872. The castle-like pompous building offers first-class international art exhibitions, the Krupp Historical Collection and the permanent exhibition "Krupp heute". The entry is very sheap with a price of 1 euro.

The Grugapark Essen was born from the Great Ruhr Garden Exhibition in 1929. With an area of ​​700,000 square meters, it is one of the largest and most wonderful parks in Europe. The Grugabahn offers a tour of the park on its route of 3.3 kilometers. At the summer time concerts in the music garden invite you to visit and attractive events with summer festivals, well-known stars and children's events are appealing for almost every visitor.

The historical district of Essen-Kettwig, with its half-timbered houses, small streets, Rococo and Empire doors, offers an insight into life some 100 to 200 years ago.

The Luciuskirche was built between 995 and 1063 and was the first church in Germany independent of a monastery. It is also the oldest parish church on the other side of the Alps.

The Margarethenhöhe is a settlement which reflects the style of an English garden town. A stroll along the wonderful cottages and the central market square will provide you with a break and a glimpse of English architecture.

The Coal mine was protected as a monument in 1970 and today it is the center of the alternative cult scene. There are concerts, exhibitions and music, creative and sports courses.

Centro Oberhausen is a leisure and shopping center in Oberhausen near Essen, which opened in 1996. There are more than 200 shops spread out over two floors, and the Centro is home to some 23 million visitors annually.

A city with such a name can not help but have an excellent culinary landscape. The multiculturalism of the city of Essen is reflected in the offer, where around 100 nationalities have found a home. So the range stretches from local to oriental food, from French fries to caviar and from the small meal between to the 5-course menu.

Convince yourself of the versatility of the "Essener Genuss-Landschaft"  - you can find yourself in the individual restaurants, bars, pubs and cafés but also in the open-air gourmet mile. On these occasions, the local gastronomic scene is a source of food for family-friendly tasting prizes several times a year.


Bus Station Zagreb is the largest, the busiest and the most urban terminal in Croatia and beyond, linking the capital city to the other parts of Croatia and most other European capitals. It is located along the Marin Držić Avenue, near central square and with a several parking lots. The station was founded in 1961, whereas the existing station building was built in 1987.


The area within the station abounds with various facilities necessary to make a trip as pleasant as possible. There are numerous places for rest, shopping and entertainment and also a large number of services available:


- Several small kiosks, souvenir shop and shops (Tobacco shop, Print Media, Kras, Konzum etc.),

- Bakery "Dubravica"

- On-call pharmacy "Farmacia"

- The Croatian Postal Bank and ATMs

- Croatian Post Office

- Croatian Lottery

- Clubs "Admiral" and "Automatic" (00-24h)

- Appliances with a variety of snacks, cold and hot drinks, as well as fruits


All the necessary information about the city and various promotional items are available within the Tourist Information Centre which is located on the first floor. The centre is opened from 09 a.m. to 21 p.m., while during the weekends and holidays from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m.


The Information Service of the Central Bus Station provides information on arrivals and departures of buses from Zagreb, other Croatian cities and Europe. Passengers can buy tickets within the station building, via Internet or by the telephone order for home – delivery. Reservation by the telephone order costs less than 12 kn / 2 euros.


Baggage lockers are located on the incoming platform no. 106 and it is opened 24 hours a day. Within the locker room there is a Cargo Service for receipt and dispatch of consignments. Storage of the luggage for the first four hours costs 5.00 kn/0,66 euros per piece and per hour, and £ 2.50/0,33 euros for each additional hour. For oversized and delicate luggage (travel bags weighing more than 40 kg, radio and TV sets, bicycles, etc.) it costs 10kn/1,31 euros per hour and per piece.

Five tram lines of daily transportation are available to passengers and those lines connect the station with the almost all parts of the city.

Also, the tram stop is located near the station, and thanks to that, the main railway station can be reached in five, while Ban Jelacic Square in ten minutes.


When it comes to the transport of the passengers from Zagreb airport and vice- versa there is Pleso Transport Company whose offices are on the ground floor of the bus station in Zagreb, and their platforms are located in the parking lot for cars.



Information and reservation for calls from Croatia: 060 313 333

Information and reservation for calls outside of Croatia: +385 1 6112 789




Address of the station:




Marin Držić Avenue 4, 10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385 1 6008 600;

Fax: +385 1 6008 616