The bus from RIJEKA to TUZLA pass through the cities of BRČKO, SLAVONSKI BROD, ZAGREB, ŽUPANJA (depending on the route).The first bus leaves at 09:00, while the last departure at 20:45. The road is about 521 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 08 hours and 37 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From RIJEKA to TUZLA can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from RIJEKA to TUZLA are:Pepeks Zagreb.


Rijeka is the principal seaport and the third-largest city in Croatia (after Zagreb and Split). It is located on Kvarner Bay, an inlet of the Adriatic Sea and has a population of 190,000 inhabitants. Because of its strategic position and its excellent deep-water port, the city was fiercely contested, especially among Italy, Hungary (serving as the Kingdom of Hungary's largest and most important port), and Croatia, changing hands and demographics many times over centuries. The city's economy largely depends on shipbuilding and maritime transport. Rijeka hosts the Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc, first built in 1765, as well as the University of Rijeka, founded in 1973 but with roots dating back to 1632 School of Theology. Rijeka has efficient road connections to other parts of Croatia and neighbouring countries. The A6 motorway connects Rijeka to Zagreb via the A1, while the A7 motorway, completed in 2004, links Rijeka with Ljubljana, Slovenia, via Ilirska Bistrica and with Trieste, Italy. The A7 acts as the Rijeka bypass motorway and facilitates access to the A8 motorway of the Istrian Y network starting with the Učka Tunnel, and linking Rijeka with Istria.


Theaters - Croatian National Theater "Ivana pl. Zajc", Rijeka's City Theater, HKD "Theater", Cultural Center "Kalvarija" - Ri Teatar

Museums - Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral, Museum of Natural History, Museum of the City of Rijeka, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Museum of Informatics, Children's Museum, Sacred Collection of St. Vitus Cathedral


"Fiumanka" - June "Fiumara" - May / June; "Ri Rock" - December; Rijeka summer nights - June / July; Gradina Summer - June / July; "Hartera" festival - September; Rijeka Carnival - January / February; "Homo si tec" - April; International Festival of Small Scene Theater - May; Days of St. Vitus - June; Zajc Days - October / February; Rijeka Advent - November; Jazz time - November; "MALIK fest" - June; Mary's days - May; Puppet Theater - November; River tatto expo - December

Important phone numbers:

Emergency number 112
Police  192
Fire department  193
Ambulance   194
Traffic service 0800 51 01
Traffic police 335 521
Police Administration Primorsko-goranska 430 333
Rescue at sea 9155
Rescue Service - Emergency Service 091 721 0000
Harbor Master 214 031
HAK - Croatian Auto Club 1987
Road conditions 060 10 2102
Veterinary Station 091 214 8822


The city of Tuzla is the administrative center and the economic, cultural and educational center of the Tuzla Canton and the economic-geographic region of northeastern Bosnia. Tuzla is predominantly an industrial city, the center of the municipality of the same name and the Tuzla Canton. It is also the economic, cultural, sports and educational center of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the valley of Majevica Mountain.

The city is famous for its chemical and motor industry. It is especially known for the great wealth of salt, after which it got its name (from the Turkish language: "greed" means "so"), and this city lies on a large number of salt mines.

Natural resources and rich deposits of energy and mineral resources have been a determining factor in directing the current economic development of this region, and at the same time are an important backbone of future development.

Tuzla has made its special geological history the oldest or one of the oldest settlements in Europe. Namely, much of Europe, in the ancient geological past, represented the bottom of the Pannonian Sea. And the last remains of this must have receded from the present surface 10 million years ago. Just below Tuzla this sea left a trace of 350 million tons of salty rock and salt water. Salt water was raining to the surface, people were processing it in so still in the neolith. They later formed wells, which became more and more modern, and salt water became the basis of the chemical industry in modern Tuzla.

On July 18, 2003, local authorities decided to draw a large amount of salt water to the surface, to the previously prepared bottom, so Tuzla is now the only city in Europe that has a salt lake and the only city in the world whose salt lake is at the same time a bathing place and beach in the narrowest historical city center. The salt water of the Pannonian Lake is allegedly and healing.

Tuzla has a great industrial tradition, based on rich salt and coal deposits.

Today Tuzla is a city of new energy, in recent years it has experienced a great expansion of construction and rapid development.