Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from SARAJEVO to KASSEL.

The bus from SARAJEVO to KASSEL passes through ZENICA, DOBOJ, BOSANSKI BROD, INGOLSTADT, NUREMBERG (depending on the route). The road is about 1441 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 23 hours and 45 minutes.

Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier. As the bus crosses the border be sure to bring your identification documents.

Timetable from SARAJEVO to KASSEL can be found for day:


Globtour Međugorje is the bus company that operates from SARAJEVO to KASSEL.

Buses have the smallest carbon footprint of all motorized transport modes. A bus going from SARAJEVO to KASSEL will emit half the CO2 emitted by a train, and radically less than a car or an airplane.


Sarajevo has two bus stations: main bus station and bus station in east part of the cuty, in Lukavica.

The main Sarajevo bus station is located near the city center, near the main railway station. The main bus station is the starting point for most buses to the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to international for Croatia, Slovenia and Western Europe. For buses which operate to destinations in Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Serbian starting station is Lukovica.

The main bus station in Sarajevo is large and spacious. There are more than 10 platform. Inside the station there are cafes and small restaurants, with shops and kebab stores. Inside and outside the station there are kiosks. The station also has a toilet. Cellular service are charged 1 KM. Near the station is the main train station.

Address: Put Life 2, 71000, Sarajevo
Phone: +387 33 21 31 00

Bus station Lukavica is located in the eastern part of Sarajevo, so if you are in the center, we recommend a cab ride or trolley bus No.103 or 107 that goes to the station Dobrinja. The bus station Lukavica from Dobrinja station is 2 minutes on foot. Keep in mind that driving a trolley bus takes a long time and tend to be large crowds. Therefore, if you are traveling with luggage, consider that you take a taxi, which is relatively cheap in Sarajevo. The station has covered platforms, cafe, restaurant, shop and waiting room. Exit the platform is controlled and is not possible without a ticket. Bus station East Sarajevo is open every day from 05h to 22h.

Address: Srpskih vladara 2, 71123, Istočno Sarajevo

Phone: +387 57 317 377



The free city Kassel is after Frankfurt am Main and Wiesbaden the third largest city of Hesse and is located in the northern part of this state, on the border with Lower Saxony and Thuringia. Currently, the population is around 200,000 people. Every five years, Kassel is the venue of the most important international exhibition of contemporary art and has therefore been named "documenta-Stadt" since 1999.

The name of the town is probably derived from "Chassalla" or "Chassella", the name for the royal court of Konrad I, located at the Kassel Fulda. The name was first discovered on a document from the year 913. There are also other names derivations; Thus it could be of Germanic origin and translated as "buildings on a terrain", whereby the origin of the name is far back in the prehistory.

Settlements have existed already in the pre-Christian era, but there has been secrecy before the 10th century,when it first appears in the documents. Since the end of the 12th century, Kassel has been gilded in the modern sense as a city and became the headquarters of the Hessian Landgrave Heinrich I a few decades later. The townscape was decisively influenced by Landgraf Karl from 1700 onwards.

Kassel - had man been seen in the city's ice cream?

During the Second World War the old town of Kassel was unfortunately massively destroyed, so there is no longer a closed historical cityscape. Nevertheless, as a former residence, Kassel has a lot of locals. The Protestant Brethren Church is the oldest church building in the city. A typical baroque building is the Ottoneum, the first permanent theater building in Germany, which now houses a museum of natural history. From the 13th century we have the Renthof, the relic of a former Carmelite monastery. However, there is also the Martinskirche with its distinctive towers, the Karlshospital, the Druselturm, or the Ständehaus, built in the neo-Renaissance style. Also worth a visit is the Fridericianum, the famous museum building in Kassel, which every five years is the site of the documenta and is already impressive by its architecture alone. It is also recommended to take a walk through the Orangerie at the Karlsauesowie, a walk through the district of Vorderer Westen. The parking area Bergpark Wilhelsmhöhe, which has been part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 2013, is one of the top 100 sights in Germany. The Wilhelmshöhe Castle, the Löwenburg Castle, as well as the Herkules, the landmarks of the city of Kassel, can be visited from the beginning of the 18th century. The popular Kassel water games are held twice a week during the summer months.

Kassel is an extremely culturally shaped city. There are also plenty of art galleries and community theaters, as well as a variety of museums and galleries. In addition to contemporary art in the Fridericianum, In the Wilhelmshöhe Palace, as well as in the Old Masters Gallery you can admire an antique collection. The Grimmwelt, which was inaugurated in 2015, is dedicated to the work of the Brothers Grimm, who spent a long time in Kassel.

Kassel offers a wide range of hotels, guesthouses, hostels and holiday apartments for its guests. In addition to art and culture, you should not miss outits cuisine. Typical specialties in Kassel are the "Weckewerk", a dish prepared from cooked rind and minced meat. There are "Ahle Wurscht" and the traditional Speckkuchen.which is  equally popular with both locals and tourists.