The bus from ZLATIBOR to ŽABLJAK does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 168 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 03 hours i 20 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From ZLATIBOR to ŽABLJAK can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from ZLATIBOR to ŽABLJAK are:Vot turist.


Zlatibor is a town in Serbia situated in the Čajetina municipality, in the Zlatibor District. It's a popular tourist resort in Serbia, by road is connected with Užice and Nova Varoš.  Zlatibor lies on the road linking Belgrade with the Montenegrin coast and off the Belgrade-Bar railway.

The town's original name was Kulaševac. In August 1893, King Aleksandar Obrenović came to Kulaševac and built a fountain called Kraljeva česma (The King's Fountain). In honor of King Aleksandar's contribution, Kulaševac was renamed to Kraljeva Voda (The King's Water). In 1903, King Petar Karađorđević I built a villa on the site, helping strengthen the growing trend of turning the slopes surrounding Kraljeva Voda into a vacation spot. After World War II, Kraljeva Voda was renamed to Partizanske Vode (The Partisans' Waters) in 1946. The name change was out of respect for wounded Zlatibor Partisans who were murdered by Nazi Germany's army in November and December 1941, while they were recovering in the main hospital of Palisad in the northern part of Kraljeva Voda. In 1995, Partizanske Vode was renamed to Zlatibor, recognizing the mountain upon which the town rests. The town lies roughly 10 kilometers from Tornik, a mountain popular with skiing enthusiasts.

The mountain Zlatibor is an important tourist area of Serbia, with resources for health tourism, skiing and hiking. Situated at an elevation of just over 1,000 metres, Zlatibor is a climatic resort, characterized by a cool alpine climate, clean air, long periods of sunshine during the summer and a heavy snow cover in winter. Tourist facilities include modern hotels, holiday centers and cottages, sports grounds and skiing tracks.


Žabljak is a small town, and the seat of Žabljak Municipality, in northern Montenegro. It has a population of 1,723. The town is in the centre of the Durmitor mountain region and with an altitude of 1,456 metres it's the highest situated town on the Balkans.

Žabljak is centre of Montenegro's mountain tourism. The entire area of Durmitor mountain is protected as a national park, and offers great possibilities for both winter and summer mountain tourism.

Žabljak caters for activities such as:

  • Skiing - Durmitor's snow cover lasts 120 days per year, with decent slopes such as Savin kuk, Štuoc and Javorovača.
  • Rafting - the 1300m deep Tara River canyon is the second deepest in the world, and is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Rafting on Tara River is one of the most popular tourist activities in Montenegro.
  • Mountaineering - Durmitor's conditions are appropriate for this sport.
  • Hiking - The surrounding area of the town of Žabljak provides hiking paths.

Among the main tourist attractions of Durmitor are 18 glacier lakes. The biggest and closest to Žabljak being "Crno jezero" - literally Black lake. Durmitor's slopes are also becoming increasingly popular among snowboarders.