Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from Nikšić to Žabljak.

The bus from NIKŠIĆ to ŽABLJAK pass through ŠAVNIK (depending on the route). The road is about 70 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 01 hours and 30 mins.

Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.

Timetable from NIKŠIĆ to ŽABLJAK can be found for days:


R LINE COMPANY, STANIŠIĆ DOO, GLUŠICA and BOŽUR are the bus companies that operate from NIKŠIĆ to ŽABLJAK.

Buses have the smallest carbon footprint of all motorized transport modes. A bus going from Nikšić to Žabljak will emit half the CO2 emitted by a train, and radically less than a car or an airplane.


Nikšić is the second largest city of Montenegro, with a total population of 71,237, located in the west of the country, in the centre of the spacious Nikšić field at the foot of Mount Trebjesa.

It is the center of Nikšić Municipality (Population of 87,950), which is the largest municipality by area and second most inhabited after Podgorica. It is an important industrial, cultural, and educational center.

Nikšić has a humid subtropical climate, which is influenced by the Mediterranean climate drying trend during summer. Average temperature for January is 1.3°C, while average temperature in July is 21.1°C. Average humidity amounts to 68,57%. Nikšić receives 2.245 hours of sunshine per year, with warm and moderately wet summers, and cool and rainy winters. On average, there are 19 days per year with snowfall.

Although Nikšić area has seen human settlements since antiquity, most of the modern Nikšić is a planned city. Very little remains of the Ottoman architectural heritage, despite the long presence of Ottoman Empire in the area. The city layout visible today still follows the 1883 urban plan commissioned by King Nicholas and designed by Croatian architect Josip Slade.

According to this plan, the streets of Nikšić radiate to the north and east from the central city square (today a roundabout), locally known as Skver. The radial streets are intersected by circumferential streets and avenues, thus creating a half-spider web-like street layout.

Nikšić is, alongside Podgorica, one of the biggest industrial centres of Montenegro. A Steel mill (Nikšićka Željezara), bauxite mine, Trebjesa brewery (Nikšićka Pivara), and many more are concentrated in this city. These big industries had struggled to survive the collapse of the socialist economy, but have since recovered. The process of privatization is either finished or still in progress for some of these industries.

Today those industry giants cannot employ as many workers as they could back in the days of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the economy of Nikšić is slowly transforming into one that is more service-oriented. In 1981 Niksic's GDP per capita was 91% of the Yugoslav average.

Although mostly perceived as an industrial center, Nikšić is also a city of rich cultural heritage. The most significant cultural institution in the city is Centar Za Kulturu (Cultural Center), which incorporates the city's major public cultural establishments. Nikšić is known for its distinctive cultural atmosphere and bohemian art scene, with poet Vitomir Nikolić and singers/songwriters like Miladin Šobić or Marinko Pavićević as prominent representatives of the Nikšić bohemian spirit. Živko Nikolić, a native of Nikšić, is considered the most significant Montenegrin movie director.


Žabljak is a small town, and the seat of Žabljak Municipality, in northern Montenegro. It has a population of 1,723. The town is in the centre of the Durmitor mountain region and with an altitude of 1,456 metres it's the highest situated town on the Balkans.

Žabljak is centre of Montenegro's mountain tourism. The entire area of Durmitor mountain is protected as a national park, and offers great possibilities for both winter and summer mountain tourism.

Žabljak caters for activities such as:

  • Skiing - Durmitor's snow cover lasts 120 days per year, with decent slopes such as Savin kuk, Štuoc and Javorovača.
  • Rafting - the 1300m deep Tara River canyon is the second deepest in the world, and is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Rafting on Tara River is one of the most popular tourist activities in Montenegro.
  • Mountaineering - Durmitor's conditions are appropriate for this sport.
  • Hiking - The surrounding area of the town of Žabljak provides hiking paths.

Among the main tourist attractions of Durmitor are 18 glacier lakes. The biggest and closest to Žabljak being "Crno jezero" - literally Black lake. Durmitor's slopes are also becoming increasingly popular among snowboarders.